RISE by Sundara partnered with Nub Bhandari from JWAS (Janaki Women Awareness Society) to support Musahar women in the community of Janakpurdham to access hygiene materials. Through our partnership, 123 marginalized adolescent girls were able to partake in a 5-day program so that they could keep themselves, their families, and their community safe from COVID -19.
After graduating from the program, the women received face masks, hand sanitizers, sanitary pads and soap to help them to protect themselves and manage their hygiene during the lockdown. Continue reading below to learn more about our support.
JWAS launched an educational campaign to increase the Muhasar's understanding of the COVID-19 protocols and maintain good hygiene practices. This included:
Demonstrations on how to use soap to wash their hands.
How to use face masks and hand sanitizers.
Information about social distancing and other COVID-19 safety protocols.
Orientation on sexual and reproductive health (SRH).
Classes on menstrual hygiene.
After graduating from the course, the women were supplied with hygiene materials to keep themselves and their families safe during the lockdown. Their hygiene kits included: face masks, hand sanitizer, soap and sanitary pads.
A participant of the program said that they "will transfer their new knowledge to [their] family members". Additionally, further feedback included a request for additional educational classes on hygiene for the male family members.
JWAS said, "We would like to thank RISE by Sundara for supporting us at the most difficult time. Musahars are [the] most marginalized population of Nepal, and COVID-19 has caused major problems for this community. They can't afford the face masks, hand sanitizers, soaps etc., that they need to protect themselves. We massively appreciate RISE by Sundara's support for our women and girls."